Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Windows XP Performance Tips - How to Remove Programs From the System Tray

Windows XP Performance Tips - How to Remove Programs From the System Tray

The System Tray also known as the Notification Area is the area at the right side of your taskbar, or bottom right of you computer screen, which by default holds the clock and the speaker icon. With the exception of the clock, the purpose of the tray is to hold status icons placed there by Windows and other running programs.

You may see icons for a number of programs in the System Tray such examples include Microsoft Messenger, anti virus programs, third party firewall or media player programs or photo editing programs. Each icon represents a utility program that is currently running in your system or has automatically started when Windows first loaded. Some of these programs are useful, some are not, but what connects them all is that together they can increase the amount of time that it takes for your PC to start and load Windows.

If you have a number of icons in your system tray, your system could be suffering from longer startup times and an overall slow performance. Get rid of a few of these programs from the system tray and you may find your system running leaner and faster than before.

Follow the step by step instructions to begin removing programs for your system tray and increase the performance of your computer. We will remove MSN Messenger here as an example.

Step 1

To remove an unnecessary program from the system tray, right click on its icon and select either the option that takes you to the program's setting otherwise into the program itself.

Step 2

If you have to go into the program itself, you can usually access the settings by clicking on Tools in the menu bar and selecting Options (or setting preferences depending on the program).

Step 3

From within the settings menu, there is always an option to disable the program from automatically loading when Windows Starts.

Step 4

Inside Options of Microsoft Messenger, you can prevent it from loading when you log on.

For more Windows Tips, including security, performance, customization, maintenance, recovery, efficiency, networking and registry tips, all with step by step instructions, be sure to be visit our website and begin to unleash your computers potential.

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